Saturday, March 11, 2006


Acoustika website down for a while!

Hello all you who read this blog - not sure if there are any of you who do that anyway...but just in case...stop worrying about the fact that you cannot see the Acoustika website. It's nothing on your side. The server on which it is hosted has been having problems and I am waiting for them to be fixed. You will also notice that the calendar in is missing too - that's because it is hosted on the same server (the server where the website is hosted supports php code so I had to put it there). Same with the E-Card service in - it is php and therefore I had to host it on the same server where the Acoustika site is - ie..its not working too!
Sorry for any inconvenience if any. I will be waiting impatiently for the problem to be resolved - and if not I will have to find another place where to host the site (hopefully on a server that supports php and one that's free and has no ads - , hmm, who am I kidding:)lol)
Well that was to put your minds at rest. Now its time to start working on my new podcast so see you at (that still works).


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